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Our Fellows

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our Fellows, to recognise their commitment to, and work for, that community over many years. We know that the Fellows will support the Association as much as possible, promoting its Aims, in particular in strengthening the King’s High and Warwick Preparatory School community.

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  • 12/05/21

    Aileen McLaren - Fellow

    Aileen joined Warwick Preparatory School in September 1995 as a form teacher in Upper Two. Her two daughters joined the school at the same time in Lower Two and Upper One. Both girls progressed to Kings High School, then onwards to University. Aileen remained an Upper Two form teacher until 200...
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  • 12/05/21

    Tim Wilkes - Fellow

    Choosing a school is an odd thing when you think about it. Rather like buying a house, you spend a lot of money on something that you’ve spent a relatively short period of time looking at. Ultimately, as is often the case with these things and despite a lot of research by Mrs Wilkes, gut ins...
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  • 12/05/21

    David Stevens - Fellow

    'My involvement with King’s High began in 1968 when my sister, Linda, joined the school and I went to Warwick School. Many years later, I moved away from Warwickshire but returned in 1984 when my daughter, Helen, went to Warwick Prep. There was one notable occasion when I challenged the...
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  • 12/05/21

    Rev Sue Fairhurst

    Sue was a member of staff at Warwick Prep for almost thirty years, working for most of that time within the Music Department before becoming Head of Prep in 2007.  In 2011 a call to ordination led to early retirement and after studying at Queen’s Theological College in Birmingham she wa...
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  • 03/11/20

    Richard and Veronica Phillips - Fellows

    Warwickians Richard and Veronica Phillips have a long association with the Foundation, not least of all as parents of King’s High Old Girls Katie and Lucy who were pupils in Mrs Anderson’s time. Veronica was a long standing Foundation Governor and Chair of the Warwick Prep School Committ...
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  • 03/11/20

    Jane Marshall - Fellow

    Jane is a dedicated former King’s High and Warwick School parent who chaired KHAPs between 1994 and 1998 She then extended her involvement with the schools, becoming a Foundation governor in 1998 and chairing the King’s High committee from 2001 to 2016. Having been  an in-house BBC...
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  • 03/11/20

    Jill Lillyman - Fellow

    Jill taught at Warwick Prep School between 1970 and 2010. Starting out as Miss Dawe she was a Transition form teacher and most of her Prep career was spent as Head of Pre-Prep. She served as Acting Head during her last two years before becoming a Foundation Governor in 2010 sitting on The Prep Schoo...
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  • 03/11/20

    Sue Lampitt - Fellow

    Teaching and farming are the two threads that have run through Sue Lampitt’s life. Her working life was spent teaching Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, and she can boast former Prime Minister Tony Blair as an ex-pupil. Sue taught at King’s High between 1972 and 2005, but after putting aw...
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  • 03/11/20

    David and Sonia Guest - Fellows

    Sonia (née Halford) is an Old Girl of King’s High from Miss Hare’s era and she and husband David have had daughters and granddaughters at both King’s High and Warwick Prep. These Warwick residents have been very generous in their support of the school for many years, for whi...
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  • 03/11/20

    Jill Fraser - Fellow

    A former King’s High parent, nurse and BBC reporter, Jill set up the charity Kissing it Better with a friend in 2009, and is its Chief Executive. Using her married name (Samuda), she is also a Deputy Lieutenant of Warwickshire. KiB works to end the isolation of old age by bringing the generati...
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