Sue Lampitt - Fellow

Teaching and farming are the two threads that have run through Sue Lampitt’s life. Her working life was spent teaching Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, and she can boast former Prime Minister Tony Blair as an ex-pupil. Sue taught at King’s High between 1972 and 2005, but after putting away her red pen, she served as a Foundation governor on the King’s High committee between 2005 and 2015, and was a frequent visitor to the school. With husband John she has a local farm, celebrated for its asparagus. She is a former Foundation parent and current Foundation grandparent.
‘The Landor Association is of great importance to me because it enables me to keep in contact with colleagues, students and their parents, from - in my case - the last forty years or so and I really value these ties which constitute a richness in my life. In addition, there is the continuing intellectual stimulus from the lectures which the Association organises and the interaction with visiting speakers, a special pleasure when they are Old Girls; concerts and services in St.Mary's are part of this richness too.
‘Being part of the Landor Association family is like having cherished relatives whose presence at a family gathering makes the occasion special with shared memories, shared experiences and always, humour. It keeps us in touch with Kings in the present too.
‘As a Fellow, I hope I can contribute to and support this special Association.’