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Jane Marshall - Fellow

Jane, now the Landor Association President,  is a dedicated former King’s High and Warwick School parent who chaired KHAPs between 1994 and 1998 She then extended her involvement with the schools, becoming a Foundation governor in 1998 and chairing the King’s High committee from 2001 to 2016. Having been  an in-house BBC radio producer, Jane’s working life culminated in running her own independent radio production company, Jane Marshall Productions, which supplied programmes to BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2 and BBC World Service, specialising in abridging and producing readings such as Book of the Week  and Book at Bedtime.

'My Association with King’s High began not as an old girl but as a parent, when my daughter moved up the road from the Prep at 11 years old.  Somehow I got reeled in to the Parent Staff Association not long before a sizeable number of members, who had already done a long stint, left and I was persuaded to become Secretary.  Three years later I became the Parent Governor, and three years after that, Chair of the King’s High Governors, a role I continued to fulfil for the next 15 years. 

The progression from parent to Chair of Governors was totally unplanned and unexpected but has developed within me a huge respect for the exciting and transformative effect that an excellent education can have on young people’s lives.  It has been a privilege to see from the inside the professionalism, the skill, the very regular flashes of inspiration, the hard work and the challenges that go in to making a great school.

More recently, having loved the higgledy piggledy site in Smith Street and all that was signified by the iconic blue door, and having spent a deal of energy overseeing the design and build of a new Sixth Form Centre, St Nicholas Arts Centre and Dining Room, I was closely involved as Foundation Governors and Heads took the momentous decision that it was in the best interests of the school community, both pupils, staff and the wider Foundation, for King’s to move down to the Myton Road site.  So followed the chairing of the committee to choose the architects, and the numerous initial discussions on how the design of the new school could best serve the aim of being both an inspirational and a practical setting for girls and staff to work and play in every day.  Perhaps it’s not surprising then that when I finally passed on the baton and left the completion of the work in Richard Nicholson’s extremely capable hands, that a part of me will always  feel bound up with the continued success of the flourishing school that is King’s High.  Being a Fellow of the Landor Association underscores that bond and I will enjoy continuing to watch an exceptional school flourish.'