Jo Grant

Mrs Jo Grant, former Biology teacher at King's High
On the occasion of her retirement in 2010, Mrs Grant's Upper Sixth Biologists penned the following Limerick:
There once was a biology teacher
Who was quite a curious creature
She was utterly charming
And obsessed with Darwin
Oh, how lucky we were to meet her
Her pupils said that during Mrs Grant's lessons, time sped up and the lessons passed quickly. Those lessons contained a variety of activities including poster making, the creation of scale models, large scale sweeping diagrams and play-doh! Her tutor at university had been David Bellamy!
Outside the classroom, Mrs Grant was a cheery and supportive colleague who regularly came back to school after her retirement as a supply teacher,
Mrs Grant could be often seen at Old Girls' and former staff gatherings which she supported most actively.
We are sorry to report that Jo Grant died in January 2025.