Book Launch Success

Last week we celebrated the publication of ‘Of Mulberries, Ilex and Acorns’ at our Gala Book Launch at King's High.
Not only does the book chronicle and celebrate the history of King's High School, Warwick and Warwick Prep School, both together and separately, but it charts the progress of girls’ education from the mid-Victorian era to the internet age.
This new book chronicles and celebrates the fascinating story of King’s High and Warwick Preparatory School’s 140 year history from 1879, when 21 girls experienced the pioneering days of female education, to the present day, when over 1,200 pupils enjoy life in one of the most successful schools in the UK. Thank you to all who joined us and purchased a signed copy by the authors; our very own Old Girls.
This beautifully produced book is available from school priced £45 (plus £4 postage and packing for the UK. The book, postage and packing to Europe will be £55, and £60 to the Rest of the World).
You may send a cheque to school made payable to King’s High School and posted to Mrs Polly Beidas, King’s High School, Warwick, CV34 6YE.
Alternatively you may pay by BACS transfer in the UK: Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30-99-15, Account No.: 00732006 Reference: Your Name. Don’t forget to notify the school at the address above or stating where you would like us to post your book.
Overseas IBAN payments may be made through GB12LOYDGB21285 Swift Code LOYDGB21285 Reference: Your Name.
Please contact if you have any queries.