Landor Lecture Report - Dr Anne Whitehouse

Old girl Dr Anne Whitehouse (KHS 1980 – 1987) epitomises the classic King’s High success story. A first class honours degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge was followed by a PhD and postdoctoral work, before she was appointed to a lectureship as the youngest university lecturer in the country aged just 26. Everything in her academic and career garden was flowering beautifully.
Then, through no fault of her own, things started to go wrong. Anne came up against the ‘Boys’ Club’, and her health began to suffer. She experienced stress, anxiety and burnout. Instead of succumbing to this, she used her scientific knowledge to understand what had caused her extreme reaction in a career for which she was eminently qualified.
After 20 years’ research Anne developed a six-key, ground-breaking code for women to break free of the hidden subconscious restraints that sabotage their wellbeing and block success, despite the freedoms of the 21st century.
On Monday 14th June, the Landor Association was privileged to hear from Anne via the medium of Teams. She distilled the findings of her book ‘Pull Back Your Power’ into a highly fascinating lecture. Head Master Dr Stephen Burley, who had read her book, introduced Anne to an audience comprising current pupils, Old Girls and parents. They listened in awe as they learned how to vanquish ‘the beast’ that was identified as ‘female history syndrome’. New Landor prefect Maud led a Question and Answer session at the end of the lecture, and proposed a vote of thanks. Anne kindly answered pre-submitted questions from the Landor community. Old Girls from the 1980s will be interested to hear that Anne singled out three former King’s High teachers as inspirational female role models: Miss Date, Miss Lenygon and Miss Wallace.
Anne has changed career from Metallurgist to Feminine Confidence Alchemist, and is keen to let everyone in the Landor community have access to her findings. She has kindly offered a free signed copy of her book to anyone who would like to learn more about her thesis. We only need to pay postage. Please see this link for more details of how to obtain your copy. It’s a fascinating and eye opening read. Thank you very much, Dr Anne Whitehouse.