OGA Lunch and AGM 2024

Kim Hartman with her old school uniform
Nearly 90 Old girls and former staff representing nine decades of the school’s history, including three sets of sisters, an aunt and niece, and friends of up to seventy years’ standing came to Warwick on Saturday 23rd March for the OGA Annual Lunch and AGM. Many were delighted to see their former teachers there too, in the shape of Mrs Russell, Mrs Grant, Miss Lenygon, Miss Clark and Mrs Lampitt.
Guests were greeted with colour co-ordinated name badges representing one of eight tables. The pink table, all from the Class of 1973, had taken this to heart and had all embraced their inner Barbie by dressing in pink! Goody bags were also proffered and refreshments consumed as groups of friends gathered. A willing band of current students were ready to tour the school with their charges, seeing hens, a racing car and a beautiful airy Quad.
Many Old Girls will remember trying to look at the long school photographs in Red Corridor at Smith Street, only to be ushered outside by the prefects on duty. At the Annual Lunch, these had been unscrewed from the walls and were laid out on desks for ease of viewing - and not a prefect in sight!
Deputy Head Girl Rose, who had given up part of her eighteenth birthday to be with us at the Lunch, was serenaded with 'Happy birthday to you' and presented with a lovely bouquet. After the AGM, delivered at great speed by the OGA President and Head Master, Dr Stephen Burley, and OGA Secretary and Old Girl Polly Beidas, the guests enjoyed a lovely two course lunch with wine, created by the school's Head Chef, M. Christophe Charpentier, and served with aplomb by his catering team.
The highlight of the day was the after lunch speech from Old Girl and actor Kim Hartman. The Head Master introduced this witha special 'Allo 'Allo quiz, which brought about some hilarious team names from the assembled throng! Kim was warm and funny, telling us of her life 'Beyond the Blue Door'. She took us from the joy of learning to be on stage at school, (and the wrath of Miss Hare when she chose acting over A levels!), via assistant stage management at the nearby Belgrade Theatre, eventually arriving, via pantomime and the RSC, as 'Helga' in 'Allo 'Allo. She was kind enough to take questions from the floor, too.
A raffle in aid of Kim's chosen charity, Shipston Home Nursing, raised £420. This was thanks in part to OGA committee members Felicity Bunker (nee Akers) and Valerie Hurst (nee Poole) who sold the tickets, and a wonderful array of prizes, including King's High eggs. The most popular prize was a painting of Eastgate and Landor House, donated by Old Girl Christine Legge. This had been a gift from her lifelong friend, the late Kitty Gundy (nee Hoggett); Christine, who recently turned 90, had no family to leave this picture to, and hated the thought of it going into a skip, so had offered it to the OGA for the raffle. It now has a worthy new home with Jennie Barry (nee Heath).
Old Girl, singer and broadcaster Catherine Bott introduced Jerusalem to end proceedings. The school song has now been sung at King's High for 100 years. Naturally nobody needed the lyrics, even after ten, forty or even seventy years away from the school!
We look forward to seeing you all for next year's OGA Lunch and AGM on 22nd March 2025, where the guest speaker will be Old Girl and former Liberal Democrat spokesperson on Health in the Lords, Baroness Judith Jolly (nee Pritchard).
[More photographs will follow]
Friends from the Class of 1979
L to R (School names) Phyllis Wylie, Sarah Caulkin, Carole Austin, Jennie Heath, Heather Carrier)